Oct 22, 2024 | | Technology Evolution

Four(4) Reasons Your Business Should Go Digital

by Jason Essien


The year 2020 has been a game changer for quite a number of businesses. It has been the survival of the fittest not only in public health, but in the corporate arena. Many businesses that were grounded in traditional business processes incurred a lot of losses and went belly-up in a matter of months. In this short listicle, I will give four reasons why your business should adopt the current digital trend to remain relevant in your domain. 

1. Increased Rate Of Productivity

Many organizations have adopted remote working strategies, this major change in working conditions was brought about by the onslaught of COVID-19. Reports have shown that some employees tend to put in more time on the job when working from home. Locating these roles dynamic roles and implementing technological solutions that facilitate remote work, can cut-down on operational costs while increasing productivity. Several digital collaboration platforms have seen their stocks soar because of the number of businesses that have come to rely on them for daily team activities that would normally occur in an office setting. 

2. Increased Reach To Target Audience

Various tech solutions have made it possible to reach your target audience faster and easier. For example in the automotive and spare parts industry, the big names that would traditionally host workshops and exhibitions, inviting buyers and enthusiasts from around the world have gone virtual, using webinar platforms and other digital tools to push their products. 

3. Ability to Measure Success

A wise man once said “results are the only scorecard”. The current digital tools and resources have made it easier for managers to track and monitor productivity levels of staffers. It has become as simple as looking at a dashboard with informed charts and analytics and making a decision on where to focus or reduce effort in your business processes. 

4. Organization/Structure

How many filing cabinets would a business need to keep all important documents? How do you keep them safe? How long would it take to locate a file when needed?

Enter ERP Systems. It has been a long debunked notion that ERP platforms are only needed by the mega corporations with a global network and a plethora of resources to be shared worldwide. SMEs are realizing the usefulness of this vital tool to their productivity and ability to deliver at every point of their value chain. These systems aided by the emergence of cloud technologies have made access to your workspace easy and instantaneous, with backups and redundancies to ensure resilience in cases of major system failures.

Here’s a piece of advice the dinosaurs would have loved, for free; GO DIGITAL.

Jason Essien is a Solutions Architect with Excite Panacea Limited an information technology hub focused on creating value for businesses through technology.  

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